Maintaining Fat Reduction Results: Lifestyle Changes to Make After Non-Surgical Treatments

Learn about lifestyle changes you need to make after non-surgical fat reduction treatments such as exercising regularly, eating healthy meals, avoiding processed snacks, and maintaining a healthy weight.

Maintaining Fat Reduction Results: Lifestyle Changes to Make After Non-Surgical Treatments

Whether you've opted for a trainer, a gym class, or exercising at home, activity is essential for preserving the results of liposuction. Laser fat reduction works by using controlled heat to break down subcutaneous fat. A laser wavelength is introduced through the skin, heating the fatty tissues until the fat cells start to disintegrate. A cooling system is used to ensure that the skin isn't damaged in the process.

SculpSure is the brand name for this non-invasive laser technology. Before surgery, it's a good idea to exercise and stay active. This helps your blood flow and boosts your overall health and wellbeing. If you're having liposuction, you may be asked to lose weight naturally to improve the results of cosmetic fat reduction.

After surgery, it's important to walk around a bit to promote adequate blood circulation and avoid serious blood clots that can affect your health. Non-surgical fat reduction includes minimally invasive treatments that selectively break down fat cells in certain areas to reduce the size of subcutaneous fat deposits (fat deposits found under the skin, but above the muscle). If you overeat after treatment, the remaining fat cells can still expand and enlarge your abdominal area. Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive technology that uses extreme cold to dismantle fat cells and help reduce fat accumulation. CoolSculpting uses a controlled cryolipolysis cooling method that safely attacks, cools and eliminates fat cells. Red light phototherapy is another FDA-approved treatment for fat reduction without surgery; this light causes certain fat cells to create small openings and release some of their contents, helping to reduce their size. Your CoolSculpting session will help you get rid of persistent fat pockets that don't go away with diet and exercise.

Ultrasound energy is transmitted through the skin and causes rapid pressure changes that cause fat cells to break down without damaging surrounding tissues. Treatments will not significantly change the patient's weight, and a healthy lifestyle and weight maintenance are essential to maintaining results. Injectable deoxycholic acid can break down fat cells on contact and in isolation reduce fat accumulation. Unhealthy meals that include fried foods and processed snacks can contribute to weight gain and fat accumulation, which will ultimately affect body shape. Ultrasonic fat reduction uses highly focused sound waves to break down the walls of the fat cells in the area to be treated, thus releasing fat from the inside to be metabolized by the body and reducing the size of the fat deposit.

To maintain results after non-surgical fat reduction treatments, it's important to make lifestyle changes such as exercising regularly, eating healthy meals, avoiding processed snacks, and maintaining a healthy weight. These changes will help you keep your body in shape and preserve your results.

Rachel Greenweig
Rachel Greenweig

Freelance zombie evangelist. Total zombie evangelist. Avid beer geek. Devoted twitter specialist. Typical food trailblazer. Evil food advocate.