Can I Have a Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Treatment While Pregnant or Breastfeeding?

CoolSculpting is a safe non-invasive procedure that permanently damages and eventually kills fat cells in the treated area. Learn more about how this procedure works while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Can I Have a Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Treatment While Pregnant or Breastfeeding?

When it comes to cosmetic treatments, experts recommend that women wait until they have finished breastfeeding before undergoing any procedures. During pregnancy, many women will naturally lose a significant amount of weight without the need for fat-reduction treatments. Breastfeeding can also cause hormonal changes or imbalances, so it is important to wait until this phase is over before considering any type of body contouring. CoolSculpting is a safe, non-invasive procedure that permanently damages and eventually kills fat cells in the treated area.

The cells are then completely absorbed and eliminated by the body in two to three months. During this initial period, it is important to prevent any inflammatory factors from circulating and reaching breast milk. Once you have finished breastfeeding, you can then consider CoolSculpting to achieve the shape you want. Although CoolSculpting is safe to use during pregnancy, it is recommended that you wait at least six months before undergoing treatment.

This will give your body time to return to its original shape and also allow you to recover from the procedure. After this period, you can start seeing the desired results. The main goal of CoolSculpting is to get results safely, so women who are still in the postpartum period or who are still breastfeeding have different considerations than the standard patient. Generally speaking, doctors don't usually recommend women who are breastfeeding to undergo any type of body contouring, surgical or not.

During pregnancy, there are huge changes in hormones that can affect the body's ability to return to homeostasis. Breastfeeding can prolong the postpartum period, at least as far as hormonal regulation is concerned. Hormones are chemical messengers that are involved in numerous biological processes. Some women who had straight hair before having a child developed curly hair after giving birth - this is an example of hormonal changes. More directly, hormones are involved in metabolism and fat burning.

As hormones return to their new normal after pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman may find that she begins to lose weight naturally. To achieve the best results, CoolSculpting body contouring should be performed once the weight has stabilized. CoolSculpting is ideal for women who have a small amount of unwanted fat, and a single session can remove up to 20% of adipose tissue from the abdomen. Non-invasive treatment can provide effective results almost anywhere in the body, helping you to shape, sculpt thinner lines and reduce the volume of underlying fat. A single CoolSculpting session usually lasts an hour and doesn't involve much downtime after treatment. However, if you are planning to get pregnant, it is important to talk to your obstetrician first to make sure that CoolSculpting is right for you.

This procedure focuses on fat reduction rather than weight loss for effective and lasting benefits. It uses refrigeration technology to freeze fat cells, resulting in a permanent reduction in their size. When it comes to your appearance, you might feel self-conscious and want to get rid of unwanted fat deposits. Even if you had good luck losing your baby's weight, you may still have problems with persistent fat areas. There's nothing more frustrating than fighting persistent fat that lasts despite all your efforts - CoolSculpting is a non-surgical body sculpting treatment that employs controlled cooling technology to remove unwanted fat cells. With just a few minimally invasive treatments, you'll feel like you did before your baby in no time.

The freezing temperature destroys fat cells and allows them to be eliminated from the body for the next few months. However, there's no guarantee that fat reduction with CoolSculpting will improve the “shelf” that many women have left after a C-section - instead of removing fat through incisions and suction, CoolSculpting attacks the source from the outside to the inside, freezing and destroying fat cells in the target area.

Rachel Greenweig
Rachel Greenweig

Freelance zombie evangelist. Total zombie evangelist. Avid beer geek. Devoted twitter specialist. Typical food trailblazer. Evil food advocate.