The Best Non-Surgical Fat Removal Procedures

From surgical liposuction to non-surgical body contouring procedures like Zerona low-level laser therapy and SculpSure light-based technology - learn about all your options for non-surgical fat removal.

The Best Non-Surgical Fat Removal Procedures

When it comes to fat removal, there are a variety of options available. From surgical liposuction to non-surgical body contouring, there are a number of procedures that can help you achieve the body you desire. Liposuction is one of the most popular fat removal procedures, as it provides more dramatic results than other non-invasive fat reduction treatments. However, it has a longer recovery period and generally costs more than its non-surgical counterparts.

Non-surgical body contouring, also known as non-surgical fat reduction, is a great alternative for those who want to reduce or eliminate persistent fat pockets without surgery. Low-level laser therapy is one of the most popular non-surgical fat reduction treatments. This procedure emits cold laser energy into body tissues, which are absorbed by fat cells and break down. The Zerona low-level laser is approved by the FDA for the treatment of the waist, hips and thighs and is known for being one of today's most gentle fat reduction treatments.

During treatment with Zerona, your local doctor will use a portable device to direct cold laser energy to problem areas without touching your skin or causing any discomfort. According to Zerona, the average patient loses approximately 3.72 inches of waist, hip and thigh circumference in just 6 treatments. SculpSure is another popular non-surgical fat reduction treatment that uses light-based technology to kill fat cells. This procedure is used to reduce fat deposits from the abdomen, flanks, back, inner and outer thighs. According to the manufacturer, TruSculpt is a good choice for those with problem spots and visible fat bulges in areas such as the abdomen and flanks. Ultrasonic (ultrasonic) fat extraction is another non-surgical fat removal procedure that uses the energy created by ultrasound to liquefy adipose tissue before it is removed with a thin cannula.

Unlike surgical liposuction, which involves the removal of dense, unliquefied fat with larger cannulas, ultrasound fat removal is less aggressive than liposuction because the doctor can move the cannulas smoothly and easily under the skin to remove fat. This procedure is not intended to be a weight loss method but rather aims to reduce fat deposits that are normally found around the abdomen, thighs and waist. Radiofrequency energy body contouring is another popular non-surgical fat removal procedure that tightens saggy skin by multiplying and contracting collagen fibers while improving skin texture and tone. When used to rejuvenate damaged or aging facial skin, radiofrequency energy can also be used to remove fat from different areas of the body such as the abdomen, thighs and waist. If you're already at your ideal weight but want to focus on reducing stubborn fat pockets that are resistant to exercise and diet, non-surgical fat removal may be a better option for you. CoolSculpting, TruSculpt and SculpSure are all ideal for patients who are close to their ideal weight but want to reduce stubborn fat pockets that are resistant to exercise and diet. For those who have loose skin that will only become more pronounced once the fat is removed, classic fat reduction surgery methods such as liposuction may be a better option.

Liposuction can be used to remove fat in a variety of areas such as the upper abdomen, lower abdomen, waist, back, hips, male chest area, inner thighs, outer thighs, upper arms, chin or neck. It reduces fat and tones muscles in areas such as the abdomen, arms (biceps and triceps), legs (calves) and buttocks (buttocks).Laser fat removal is another permanent non-surgical cosmetic procedure with noticeable results one week after treatment. This treatment uses a specialized cryolipolysis device to cool unwanted fat cells to the point of death without affecting surrounding tissues. Finally, tummy tucks or abdominoplasty can be used for those who want more dramatic results than what can be achieved with non-surgical treatments. During this procedure, a cosmetic surgeon will perform plastic surgery to remove both excess fat and loose skin around the abdominal region. No matter which option you choose for your fat removal needs, it's important to consult with your doctor first in order to determine which procedure will best meet your needs.

With so many options available today for non-surgical fat removal treatments, you can achieve effective results in as little as a 30-minute session.

Rachel Greenweig
Rachel Greenweig

Freelance zombie evangelist. Total zombie evangelist. Avid beer geek. Devoted twitter specialist. Typical food trailblazer. Evil food advocate.