How Long Do the Results of Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Last?

Learn how long non-surgical fat reduction treatments last and how you can maintain long-term results with a healthy diet and exercise routine.

How Long Do the Results of Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Last?

Cold sculpting treatments are a great way to reduce fat and achieve long-term results. The procedure actually kills fat cells, meaning that the results can last indefinitely. To maintain the results, however, it is important to follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Once the fat cells are eliminated, they cannot migrate or grow back.

In theory, CoolSculpting results can last forever. However, it is important to note that CoolSculpting does not prevent or stop future weight gain, which can cause fat cells to enlarge and new fat cells to be generated in the treated area. To ensure that CoolSculpting results last as long as possible, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and consistent exercise routine. Additionally, women are advised to wait until they have finished having children before undergoing CoolSculpting treatments so as not to compromise their results. The number of CoolSculpting treatments needed for an area depends on the desired results and the body's reaction to the treatment.

According to clinical studies and patient reports, the average fat reduction is up to 20% after a CoolSculpting treatment. It is recommended to wait four to six weeks between treatments in order to further reduce fat in the treated area. If you lead a healthy lifestyle but can't seem to get rid of stubborn fat pockets, this treatment may be right for you. CoolSculpting works by freezing and killing fat cells in the target area, and then the body naturally eliminates them as waste. Patients will experience some swelling during the first few weeks, but they will notice immediate results and full results will be seen 3 to 6 months after the procedure.

For those seeking body contouring results with a single treatment and more immediate fat reduction, minimally invasive liposuction procedures are performed in the comfort and convenience of the office with tumescent anesthesia, avoiding the side effects and cost of general anesthesia. Non-invasive body contouring with CoolSculpting is ideal for those who have problems with persistent fat due to fluctuating weight, pregnancy, hormones, and other factors. SculpSure's laser light technology heats up fat cells underneath the skin until they reach their melting point and are destroyed forever. If you are interested in reducing fat by up to 40% without surgery or anesthesia, this may be a great option for you. It is important to note that if your eating habits tend to result in weight gain, any progress achieved with SculpSure treatments will be negated due to an unhealthy lifestyle. During treatment, patients may feel cold, tingling, or pulling sensations but they can relax and read comfortably or watch a movie while undergoing treatment.

Most patients will begin to see results approximately six weeks after their initial treatment and improvement will continue for the next six weeks. The term “non-surgical body contouring” usually refers to non-invasive technologies that use energy such as laser, ultrasound, radiofrequency, etc., to pass through the skin and break down fat cells. Many different brands of “in-office” liposuction have entered the market offering different types of energy.

Rachel Greenweig
Rachel Greenweig

Freelance zombie evangelist. Total zombie evangelist. Avid beer geek. Devoted twitter specialist. Typical food trailblazer. Evil food advocate.