Combining Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Treatments for Optimal Body Contouring

Thermage is a popular non-invasive cosmetic procedure that can be easily combined with other non-surgical fat reduction treatments to achieve optimal body contouring results. Learn more about combining multiple types of nonsurgical fat reduction treatments in one s

Combining Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Treatments for Optimal Body Contouring

Thermage is a popular non-invasive cosmetic procedure that can be easily combined with other non-surgical fat reduction treatments to achieve optimal body contouring results. Many patients opt for a combination of CoolSculpting and Thermage on their double chin to first tighten the skin and then remove the fat. Accufit is another option that can reduce fat while building muscle, but it doesn't eliminate fat pockets. CoolSculpting can take care of those persistent fat deposits, which is enhanced by Accufit's ability to build and tone muscles.

The combination of these two procedures will allow you to reduce fat and sculpt your body in a single treatment. Every year, more than 150,000 people undergo fat reduction without surgery, and not just women. Nearly 30,000 of these fat-reduction patients are men. But does fat reduction without surgery really work? The answer is more complex than a simple yes or no. The best way to determine if this type of treatment is right for you is to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon.

They can help determine what treatment or combination of treatments can best help you achieve your body goals. Liposuction is generally considered to be much more effective, but fat reduction without surgery may be a good alternative for those who simply need a little extra help treating some persistent spots, or it may be the only alternative if surgery isn't possible. The number of treatments needed can vary from patient to patient, and treatment plans vary depending on the patient's ultimate goals. EvolveX is another non-invasive, hands-free treatment that transforms the body, with radio-frequency energy heating and muscle stimulation. With the EvolveX Tite, Tone and Transform applicators, patients can increase muscle development, reduce fat cells, tighten skin and much more.

Results can be seen in as little as 4 to 6 weeks after treatment, with the best results coming in 3 to 6 months. CoolSculpting Elite uses the same pioneering cryolipolysis technology as CoolSculpting to reduce fat quickly and effectively. However, this recently improved system offers fantastic new advantages, as its treatment applicators have been updated. The weight, measurements, and photos will be taken before treatment begins and every 4 to 6 weeks to track progress. Non-surgical fat reduction is performed in the plastic surgeon's clinic, using one of several patented or brand-name procedures. Non-invasive alternatives to fat reduction offer limited results, so it's important to discuss with the surgeon what the real changes in body contour will be, as opposed to what is expected from advertisements.

One of the most reliable fat reduction treatments available is CoolSculpting because of its effectiveness and safety. As you know, CoolSculpting effectively and permanently freezes fat deposits to create a smoother, trimmed shape. Each of these treatments destroys the cell membranes that surround the fat cells and that, over time, can appear to melt the fat. Ultimately, combining multiple types of nonsurgical fat reduction treatments in one session can provide optimal body contouring results.

Rachel Greenweig
Rachel Greenweig

Freelance zombie evangelist. Total zombie evangelist. Avid beer geek. Devoted twitter specialist. Typical food trailblazer. Evil food advocate.