What is the Recovery Time for Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Treatments?

Learn about recovery time for non-surgical fat reduction treatments such as CoolSculpting, laser lipolysis, radiofrequency and cryolipolysis.

What is the Recovery Time for Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Treatments?

Patients can return to their usual schedule immediately after a non-surgical fat reduction treatment. Any temporary side effects, such as mild swelling or tenderness, can be easily treated with over-the-counter medications. Results in the treated areas can be noticed three weeks after the procedure, with typical results achieved after two to three months. The fat washing process continues up to six months after the initial treatment.

Some people and areas of the body may require more than one treatment. According to a market study conducted by CoolSculpting, 79 percent of people reported a positive difference in how their clothes fit after the procedure. Most people find that they can return to their daily activities immediately after treatment, although some swelling, bruising, or discomfort may occur. There are several FDA-approved treatments available for fat reduction without the need for surgery or downtime.

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat reduction procedure that doesn't require anesthesia, needles, or incisions. Laser lipolysis reduces fat in specific areas of the body that are often difficult to change with diet and exercise. This light causes certain fat cells to create small openings and release some of their contents, helping to reduce their size. It reduces fat and tones the muscles of the abdomen, arms (biceps and triceps), legs (calves) and buttocks (buttocks).

It can treat 13 areas of the body, making it one of the most comprehensive non-invasive fat removal procedures in the cosmetics industry. Harvard University scientists developed this technology to quickly disintegrate fat cells without the need for invasive surgery. Rarely, freezing fat can cause prolonged pain or increase the amount of fat in the treated area. Using advanced technologies such as radiofrequency and fat freezing, they pass through fat cells, breaking them down naturally in a much more intense and effective way than standard gym training.

It offers revolutionary benefits for fat burning and muscle development thanks to its combination of radiofrequency, thermal energy and electromagnetism. You can certainly use classic fat reduction surgery methods, such as liposuction, to accelerate fat removal results. In injectable form, deoxycholic acid can break down fat cells on contact and in isolation reduce a fat pocket. Safety and efficacy of bilateral submental cryolipolysis with quantified three-dimensional images of fat reduction and skin tightening have been established.

Good candidates for non-invasive fat removal have a small bump of fat that remains despite diet and exercise, and their weight is within the normal range for their height. Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive technology that uses extreme cold to dismantle fat cells and help reduce fat accumulation.

Rachel Greenweig
Rachel Greenweig

Freelance zombie evangelist. Total zombie evangelist. Avid beer geek. Devoted twitter specialist. Typical food trailblazer. Evil food advocate.