Combining Non-Surgical Fat Reduction with Other Cosmetic Procedures

Combining non-surgical fat reduction treatments such as CoolSculpting with other cosmetic procedures can help you achieve optimal results without surgery. Learn more about combining treatments for ideal results.

Combining Non-Surgical Fat Reduction with Other Cosmetic Procedures

Are you looking to achieve optimal results without the need for surgery? Combining non-surgical fat reduction treatments with other cosmetic procedures may be the answer. From laser skin rejuvenation to liposuction, there are a variety of options available to help you achieve the look you desire. CoolSculpting is a popular non-surgical fat reduction technique that can be combined with other treatments. For instance, some people may opt to combine CoolSculpting with laser skin rejuvenation or injectable fillers to achieve smoother, younger-looking skin.

Others may choose to combine CoolSculpting with liposuction or tummy tuck to treat the most stubborn areas of fat while improving the appearance of the skin. In some cases, however, more advanced procedures such as face and neck lifts, body lifts after weight loss, or breast reconstruction with fat grafts may require surgery and cannot be done with a non-invasive procedure. Non-invasive treatments such as CoolSculpting work gradually to increase the production of new collagen in the body and renew the skin in the weeks and months after treatment. Liposuction is another option for those looking to achieve optimal results without surgery.

This highly structured procedure pays close attention to detail in order to determine how much fat must be removed for optimal results. Additionally, combining liposuction with other cosmetic procedures can help reduce recovery time and vacation time needed for treatment. CoolTone and Liponique are two other non-surgical treatments that can be combined with other procedures. CoolTone helps improve muscle tone and reduce fat in specific areas such as the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.

Liponique removes fat from selected treatment areas such as the back, thighs, and arms when combined with a tummy tuck. Tummy tuck is a great way to get rid of excess skin and fat while tightening abdominal muscles after pregnancy or weight loss. Choosing to combine treatments allows patients to adapt their rejuvenation plan to their busy schedules while avoiding or postponing surgery. Combining breast and body procedures is often the best approach for achieving ideal results when one procedure alone won't do.

Rachel Greenweig
Rachel Greenweig

Freelance zombie evangelist. Total zombie evangelist. Avid beer geek. Devoted twitter specialist. Typical food trailblazer. Evil food advocate.