When Will I See Results from Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Treatment?

Treated patients may see a marked reduction in fat six to eight weeks after undergoing a non-surgical fat reduction treatment. Learn more about when you can expect to see results.

When Will I See Results from Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Treatment?

Treated patients may see a marked reduction in fat six to eight weeks after undergoing a non-surgical fat reduction treatment, and the most notable results usually appear after two to three months. However, the body will continue to metabolize fat cells for up to six months after the procedure. People who undergo this treatment get the immediate satisfaction of seeing some improvement right away. But the best results are achieved gradually over the next few weeks, meaning that patients will never have the appearance of having done the job all of a sudden.

On the contrary, it seems that they have been taking very good care of their body. It will take between one and three months before you start to see satisfactory results, and it can take up to six months until you see ideal results. If waiting for the fat removal results this treatment was designed for seems like a long time, there are a couple of things we'd like you to consider. First, it easily takes six months to see the results of liposuction because of the extensive swelling.

Second, it can provide faster results. With non-invasive fat removal, results appear gradually. If you are treated with a device, you may notice some changes after 3 weeks. Most people see the full effect 3 to 6 months after the last treatment.

Remember that cold only damages skin at temperatures well below freezing, and this treatment only cools fat cells to approximately 40 degrees. You can find a dermatologist trained in non-invasive fat removal in the Find a Dermatologist section. When performing non-invasive fat extraction, a dermatologist uses a portable device or injections to destroy fat cells. Once the protective goggles have been placed and the skin is anesthetized with a topical anesthetic cream, the Accent Prime hand prosthesis is passed over the affected areas and a combination of ultrasonic and radiofrequency energy is applied to reduce fat, improve cellulite and increase collagen production to achieve firmer, more youthful-looking skin.

You may notice that the treated region feels smaller as soon as the treatment ends, because the fat cells take up less volume once the walls are destroyed. If you gain weight after treatment, there is a chance that the remaining fat cells in the treated area will expand. While white blood cells freeze to death between 38 and 42 degrees, skin doesn't freeze or get damaged until temperatures drop well below freezing. In contrast, this non-invasive treatment allows the lymphatic system to remove destroyed fat cells from the body.

For many men and women, developing saggy, wrinkled skin and accumulating persistent pockets of fat is simply a natural side effect of the aging process. This breaks down blocks of frozen fat cells so that the lymphatic system picks them up more easily and increases circulation to the local area. These treatment systems use a variety of methods, such as heat, cold temperatures, and radiofrequency energy, to break down fat cells, which are then eliminated naturally. When fat cells are eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system, weight loss occurs.

Once fat cells are destroyed and eliminated from the area, there will never be so many fat cells in the treated area. However, it's important to keep in mind that this treatment does not eliminate all fat cells from the treated area. While patients will experience some swelling for the first few weeks, fat reduction and body contouring results are immediately noticeable, with full results seen 3 to 6 months after the procedure.

Rachel Greenweig
Rachel Greenweig

Freelance zombie evangelist. Total zombie evangelist. Avid beer geek. Devoted twitter specialist. Typical food trailblazer. Evil food advocate.