How to Achieve Fat Reduction with Non-Surgical Treatments

Non-surgical treatments are an effective way to reduce unwanted body fat without surgery or downtime. Learn more about how long it takes and what results you can expect.

How to Achieve Fat Reduction with Non-Surgical Treatments

Non-surgical fat reduction treatments are becoming increasingly popular as a way to reduce unwanted body fat without the need for surgery. These treatments are FDA-approved for abdomen and flanks, and can also be used in other areas. The body gradually eliminates injured fat cells over four to six months, resulting in an average fat reduction of around 20 percent. The duration of a treatment depends on the area being treated.

For a small area, such as the chin, treatment may take just one hour. For a larger area, such as the abdomen, treatment may take several hours. There is little or no downtime, meaning you can return to work or other responsibilities immediately after your appointment. Patients can now shed fat in one quick session during the meal break or after work.

The best non-surgical fat removal treatments can achieve effective fat loss in as little as a 30-minute session. The FDA has approved all of our best-in-class treatments for their effectiveness and long-lasting results. Get up to 27% fat reduction in various areas of your body. Explore our top 5 fat reduction treatments for 2020 and see which fat reduction option best suits your needs. An ABCS graduate will be properly trained in surgical and non-surgical techniques and will be able to help you choose the treatment option that is right for your needs.

FDA-approved ultrasound fat reduction treatments include UltraShape, which uses pulsed ultrasound technology, and Liposonix, which uses high-intensity focused ultrasound. If you're getting ready to go on vacation soon, for example, and want your body to be ready for the beach, you can treat multiple areas of fat at once. The final results usually appear three to six months after treatment or after you have fully recovered from treatment. In some patients, unwanted body fat is due to a genetic predisposition to accumulate additional fat, as well as weight gain, hormonal changes associated with menopause or andropause, pregnancy, and even medications. Ultrasound energy is transmitted through the skin, causing rapid pressure changes that cause fat cells to break down and leave surrounding tissues unharmed. However, the most common things a contouring treatment corrects are tightening the skin and reducing unwanted body fat.

The fat layer gradually cools to the target temperature of between 30.2 and 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit. However, it's important to have realistic expectations about the results that nonsurgical treatment can achieve. Kybella is an injectable treatment that is designed to remove unwanted fat under the chin, also known as double chin. Early and long-term effects of reducing abdominal fat using ultrasound and radiofrequency treatments are also available. CoolMini is the perfect non-invasive fat treatment for treating the most persistent areas of fat in hard-to-reach and sometimes neglected areas of the body. Non-surgical treatments are an effective way to reduce unwanted body fat without surgery or downtime. With FDA-approved treatments like UltraShape and Liposonix, you can achieve up to 27% fat reduction in various areas of your body in just one session.

Kybella is an injectable treatment that is designed to remove unwanted fat under the chin while CoolMini is perfect for treating hard-to-reach areas of the body. The final results usually appear three to six months after treatment or after you have fully recovered from treatment. It's important to have realistic expectations about what non-surgical treatments can achieve so you can make an informed decision about which option is right for you.

Rachel Greenweig
Rachel Greenweig

Freelance zombie evangelist. Total zombie evangelist. Avid beer geek. Devoted twitter specialist. Typical food trailblazer. Evil food advocate.